Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes! We are secure with all information that you enter, you can check left of our URL(small lock icon in your browser) Secure radio codes Secure radio codes for all radios online
Yes! If the original code has not been changed.(in that case you will get FULL REFUND According to our Refund Policy)
No! We need only serial number located on label on back of your radio to get your code.
Yes! You will receive a receipt by email immediately following payment (check your spam or junk folder).
Our service is automated and you get your code INSTANTLY on display after payment. For some rare codes service is manually but you will get that information before checkout. Try it out.
Our service is automated and you get your code INSTANTLY on display after payment. And sent to your email(check your spam).
Only serial number located on label on back of your radio to get your code.
T0MYD delphi panasonic codes with serial number
Some code need up to 24 hours to be sent. If 24 hours are past and you still didnt get code please contact us. Sometimes email go to spam or junk folder so check there.
Please double check if you enter serial number correctly. Check our Refund policy here
Serial number located on label on back of your radio. More about that uconnect-removal
There is few cases where you can do this you can check our blog page here

Questions on checkout:

1. Remember to press OK on the screen to confirm the code if that option is available.
2. Some radios need a few minutes to boot up. Often, the message is "Uconnect account removed. System restart will occur shortly."

3. If your code isn't working, please double-check your serial number.
You can use our barcode/qrcode scanner if you're unsure.
Please note that an incorrect serial number will generate incorrect code.
For a correct code, it's important to accurately enter your serial number.

According to our Refund Policy you will need to checkout again with correct serial number.
This will ensure you receive a 100% correct code. Always double-check your serial number.

If you're absolutely sure your serial number is correct but your code is not functioning, kindly send us a video demonstrating your code entry along with a clear display of the serial number.
You can send this via WhatsAppWhatsapp contact or email:
Upon receiving and verifying your video proof, which must show the serial number in the same video, we will proceed with your full refund.